Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Should I Eat Before A Workout?

This seems to be a question I get more often then not. Should I or shouldn't I eat before I workout? My answer is you should eat a little something before a workout. I know that other fitness experts will tell you that you should workout first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to burn fat and calories, but what if you can't work out first thing in the morning or you are hungry when you wake up. My recommendation to clients is to eat something light before a workout like a banana dipped with almond butter, or a Greek yogurt. The body is no different than a car, it needs fuel to run and if your body is running on coffee and water in the morning the workout will feel like a struggle. Now some people will say I can't eat before a workout I feel sick. To them I say find something you can digest and plan to eat at least 30 to 40 minutes before you exercise so it has time to get absorbed in the stomach. After your workout I would say to eat something a bit more substantial if you feel necessary or depending on the intensity of the workout. If you are looking to lose weight don't eat after you workout. If you are looking for muscle mass, and not interested in weight loss then have something after the training, like a protein shake with fruit or egg whites and vegetables. Protein is a great post workout recovery meal and carbohydrates are good for pre workout (whole grain starches not a bagel).  Here is a list of some of my pre workout meal recommendations:

-0% Greek Yogurt with berries
-Light English Muffin with a TBSP Almond Butter or Natural Peanut Butter
-Oatmeal with Cinnamon
-whole grain Cereal with fruit
-Whole Grain toast with sliced banana and almond butter
-Yogurt Drink (Dannon)

Post Workout Meal
-2 Eggs (substitute) with spinach or tomato
-Whey Protein Shake with fruit and almond milk
-Yogurt Parfait with almonds and fruit swirled with honey

This is just a few I like as well as my clients. Remember breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it jump starts the metabolism, and helps energize the workouts. So YES you should eat something before you exercise.

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