Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Lap Band Requirements-Not practical

Dr. Oz is probably one of my favorite shows to watch while running. The program is filled with some great information and some gross information about health, medicine and wellness. Although as a fitness girl I would love for them to discuss the importance of exercise more, but hey a little is better than none I guess. But today's show really bothered me and got me thinking as a society have we given up trying to better our health through proper eating, and movement? Or have we chosen to go under the knife for a quick weight lose fix without thinking of the consequences. The topic of discussion I am referring to is Lap Band.
Recently they just changed the requirements for the procedure. First you needed to be morbidly obese, over 45 BMI (body mass index) and had health risks, then they changed it to 35 BMI, and now it is 30 BMI with at least 1 health risk factor, that is not much. What really got me was not one mention of movement to help with weight. The 2 women on the show spoke about how they were ready to get this done, they tried every diet, shake, etc to lose weight and nothing changed they got bigger and felt worse, one woman was even diabetic and tired of her body hurting. Now I am not saying that the Lap Band does not have its place, but it has a lot of risks, what they actually due to the stomach, and what other health problems can occur from having it done is really scary. I  personally known people that had it done that got skinny and felt great for a few months even a few years. Then as time progressed they became ill and the main cause was lack of proper nutrients, real food, no exercise, and to much medication. Now isn't the point of the Band to not be sick (prevent diabetes/high Cholesterol/hypertension)? Not sure. The doctors on the show were speaking about all the ways this could help, but only one mentioned exercise and cleaner eating. She was not in favor of the NEW guidelines and neither was I.

We have become such a quick fix society, you see it everyday on the TV. Infomercial, cleanses, DVD's, diet shakes all layed out to lose weight for summer, holiday, birthday you name it. Why can't we just speak the truth. People really stress themselves out about their bodies, and health. I know, I at one point went through it and help my clients not go through it everyday. We look at food now as the enemy and exercise is second to that. When in actuality it is the best free medication nobody is getting. I find that the less you obsess over your diet and exercise the quicker the results. When I saw what the Lap Band people ate I was wondering how they enjoy life (socially with friends and family). One girl ate 4 TBSP of yogurt, a cup of clear broth and 3 TBSP of chocolate pudding. That has NO nutrition, and how do you order that in a restaurant.

So lets stop having surgery our bodies were not intended to have (Lap Band). Lets instead make a promise to ourselves to stop buying bad food that we know make us weak, add more fruits and vegetables to our day, drink more water (even if it has a splash of juice) and MOVE YOUR BODY. We are issued one per lifetime so get off you butt and walk, start slow and build up. If you are overweight remember it did not happen overnight  in it took time, just like getting healthy does. The resources out there are endless. If you are unsure where to start hire a fitness expert, join weight watchers, or a weight support group. Surgery may be quicker but not better.

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