Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ladies Start Lifting

Ladies, if you really want to tone up and lose those unwanted issues on your body, like the stomach, butt, thighs, and hips you need to incorporate strength training into your workouts. Most women don't want to touch the weight machines or dumbbells due to fear of getting bulky. Well ladies I promise you are not genetically made to get such large muscles without the help of unwanted supplements. So to pick up the weights and properly strength train is a great workout. It not only helps to tone unwanted areas but it protects out bones as we age, helps us to perform everyday tasks like lifting and carrying, along with this amazing feeling of being stong and powerful.

I am not suggesting you start benching 80 pounds there is no need for that, but I also don't recommend walking around with the little 2 lb pink weights in your hand either. Lift weights that are relatively easy to move but become a bit of a struggle by rep 10 to 12. Sometimes in order to see results sooner than later we need to push ourselves a bit harder. Not all strength work needs to be difficult it needs to be practical and safe. When you are at the gym don't waist time working the small muscles (shoulder, biceps, triceps) get those larger ones (back, chest, legs). If you are unsure what you should be doing ask a fitness professional for some help. The one thing you don't want to do is waist time at the gym performing exercises that are going to hurt your joints. So my professional advice would be to take advantage of the studios training sessions and get a safely designed exercise for you.

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