Monday, March 21, 2011

How to Improve Your Metabolism

This seems to be a question that I get a lot and one that I was not 100% clear on when I started in the fitness business. There are so many theories out on how to get the energy juices to burn more for you. Some experts said eat high protein, low carbs, others said increase cardio workouts, start a crazy eating plan and high intensity workout routine. I don't know that seemed a bit crazy and it was a lot to plan and think about. I needed to come up with my own theory that combined the studies or those in the industry already and what I found to work best for me and my clients that required minimal planning, was stress free and easy to incorporate into your lifestyle. So here is what I came up with...I do this in my own life and I my clients all do the same. We all feel great, have energy and for those that needed to maintain weight or lose did so following these steps:
1) Don't Starve Yourself-you need food to fuel the metabolism and if you don't eat at least 3 meals a day your body thinks it is starving and will hold on to your visceral fat, and the body will not change.
2) Eat Breakfast Every Morning-it really is the most important meal of the day. Eat a well balance meal of grains; fruit; protein. In whatever form you want (food or shake)
3) Eat More Nutrient Rich Foods-fruits and vegetables will help you feel fuller longer; plus they are low in calories and rich in vitamins; and fiber and all that great stuff our body needs to perform at high levels
4) Eat Lean Protein-protein does not just have to be beef (Not a fan myself) so I choose, tofu fish,chicken, beans, eggs, even certain grains like quinoa are high in protein or Greek yogurt, Almond Milk etc.
5) Drink More Water-hydration is very important to the body. If you are not eating good sources of nutrients then your muscles are going to be fluid depleted. If you are not a fan of just water (like myself) add a splash of cranberry; lemon, or whatever you like to it. Sometimes after a workout to get quick fluid to the body I drink Coconut Water LOVE IT.
6)Exercise More Days Then Not-we need to move our body everyday, if we don't it is not going to perform the way we need it, we will begin to lose flexibility, muscle mass, bone density. All of which are important as we get older. So get moving (lift weight; walk; find something you enjoy doing often)
7) Rest-It is so very important to get good quality rest, without it we are just pushing our bodies till the gas tank runs out and when that happens recovery is that much longer. Who needs that? So when you feel that your body needs a rest from a workout take it. When it comes to sleeping try to get at least 7 hours...and don't watch the news it will only increase your stress levels.
Revving up the bodies metabolism does not have to be so complicated, it needs to be practical and smart. So why not try these simple 7 steps and let me know what you think. I promise that metabolism will improve and you will see the results you want in your body fast.

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