Sunday, October 10, 2010

Apple Sauce

I love apples, eat one everyday. So I was excited when a client of mine dropped of a huge bag of apples she picked at a friends orchard. The only problem was what to do with 3 lb of them. So I decided to make apples sauce and give it to my nieces to snack on, and of course Frank. It was so easy and the final product was excellent. I recommend you give it a try. So lets get started.
(The amount of apples is based on how many people you want to serve)
5-8 apples of your liking (sliced)
1 TBSP Cinnamon
Take all your apples and slice them with the skin on (skin has all the nutrients). Place them in a pot of water and let it come to a boil until soft. It should be about 10 minutes. Drain your apples and place them back into your pot. Using a masher, blender or food processor, spoon your apples into the processor, sprinkle your Cinnamon, and pulse till smooth. Once you are done place into a container and refrigerate for and hour.
I did this in two batches, so I don't overflow the processor. Apple sauce can also be frozen so if you want to make up a bunch and freeze it go right ahead. This is great in oatmeal, or you can use it to bake with in place of oil.

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