Monday, February 22, 2010

10 Things You Need To Eat!

The following 10 foods are part of my weekly food regimen and have tremendous health benefits. So eat up and lets see how many are in your fridge or pantry. 1. Avocados: Like all plant foods, they contain 0 cholesterol. In fact, they work to lower cholesterol. And 1/2 has just 150 calories. Its a great source or Omega's as well. 2. Beets: Among its potent pigments is a compound that protects the body from oxidative stress that can leads to aging and disease. 3. Berries: Bluberries, rasperries, and blackberries are at the top of the list due to the amount of antioxidents they provide. 4. Cabbage/Broccoli: It unique set of nutrients fight off cancer-causing toxins, it is considered a superfood. 5. Fish: Studies show that fats in fish lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and prevent heart damage from triglycerides. 6. Lentils: High fiber and protein, with 0 cholesterol and nearly 0 fat, lentils help manage blood sugar and lower cholesterol. 7.Nuts: Its simple. Nuts are loaded with heart healthy fats, including oleic acid and omega-3's that work to raise good cholesterol. 8. Quinoa: Quinoa has a mineral content that blows barley, wheat and other grains away. Plus it's low in fat and calories. 9. Spinach: Spinach is overflowing with a line up of compounds that help to lower cancer cells. 10. Tomatoes: A study of 40,000 women in 2003 uncovered a strong link between tomato consumption and lower risks of heart disese. So why not eat theses amazing Superfood...your body will thank you.

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